Apple repair program for the iPhone 14 Plus rear camera issue: full detail

Hello iPhone 14 Plus users! 
Apple has launched a new repair program in which it will fix the problem occurring in the rear camera of your iPhone for free. If you are also facing this camera issue in your iPhone then this news is for you.

Let's see this program in more detail

What is this problem

Recently, some problem has been seen in the iPhone 14 Plus model where the front camera preview of people is not working.

If you also like to capture moments from your iPhone then this can be very annoying. Apple has noticed the issue and is running a new repair program to fix it where they will fix the problem for free.

Repair program

If we talk about Apple's new repair program, then Apple has specifically addressed the camera issue in this repair program. If you are also facing this issue in your iPhone, then you can get it fixed in Apple's repair program without paying any money.

This program is for these devices which are manufactured between April 10, 2023 to April 28, 2024. You can check the serial number of your iPhone on your official repair group. Its link is given below.
Apple repair program official link :- service program

How to get it repaired

If you also want to get your iPhone repaired then it is quite simple. Here are the steps which you can follow

1. Eligibility Check: First of all we have to check the eligibility of our iPhone.

You can go to Apple's official Repair program page and enter your iPhone's serial number to find out whether you are eligible or not.

Apple repair program
Image Source: Apple Official Website

2. Choose Service Option: If your iPhone is eligible, you can take it to any Apple Authorized Service Provider near you. 

If you want, you can also book an appointment for your iPhone at any nearby Apple Retail Store. 
If there is no Apple Store or Authorized Service Provider near you, don't worry, you can contact Apple Support and arrange mail-in service from there. 

3. Prepare the Phone: Make sure you backup your data to iCloud or computer before sending your iPhone for repair. 

This new repair program of Apple is a great relief for iPhone 14 Plus users who were facing  problems in the rear camera of their phones. It was very good to see that the company is taking responsiveness to protect its customers' experience from getting spoiled and is running programs like free repair. If you are also facing the same problem in your phone, then you can take advantage of this program.

If you find my blog helpful, please share it with those who are facing this problem so that you can also get help, and if you have not understood anything, you can ask in the comments section, we will definitely help you
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